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2. Socialization- Whenever the topic of genetics and behavior is brought up there is the ever present argument of nature versus nurture. That is to say, what determines behavior, genes or upbringing? The answer with fearful dogs is both. Nature is the genetics of the dog, and nurture is what I call socialization. Socialization, when speaking in reference to dogs, is the act of exposing your dog to all types of stimuli. A socialized dog has been exposed to all types of people, noises, objects, and floor surfaces. A socialized dog has learned that although there are myriad things in this world that they haven't seen before, there usually isn't cause for alarm or fear. On the flip side, a dog lacking socialization has not learned to process new information. Such a dog never stepped on a slippery floor during his crucial first few developmental months of life, and therefore finds it scary when he finally does at the age of a year. A poorly socialized dog never met many new people so now when confronted by a very tall man or an obese woman or a person of a different race he finds himself afraid. While there is nothing you can do to change the genetics of your dog you can change your dog's perception of the world through good socialization. Many dogs with very weak nervous systems are able to overcome a great deal, if not all, of their fears through patience and socialization. 
